Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Doctorate Programs Vary By School

Doctorate programs are offered in universities and comprehensive colleges across the North American continent, and they may vary from school to school. Doctorate programs are intense and require extensive academic and scholastic capability and effort.

Requirements of doctorate programs for earning PhD and DBA degrees can vary by school and department within universities, but many are consistent. Candidates must fulfill, to varying extents, scholarly proficiency, distinctive accomplishments in their chosen field, and a capacity for designing and conducting independent, original research. Proficiency and accomplishment are demonstrated in coursework and inclusive assessments and examinations; research must contribute new and critical information to the field, be presented in a publishable documented format, and is defended before a committee of faculty. This set of doctorate program accomplishments is rewarded by being granting the PhD or DBA degree by the college or university. Doctorate programs that do not include all of these requirements lack the status of the research doctorates and will not provide the best opportunities for advanced positions and salaries.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), and Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree programs take about five years to complete, that is, after undergraduate and sometimes master degrees have been acquired. Secondary education that includes completing a doctorate program, can consume twelve to fourteen years of a student's life.

MD doctorate programs also vary considerably by school. Academic studies must be completed satisfactorily, followed by several years of study and preparation as interns are endured in hospital settings. Degree programs, however, vary so much that potential MD students must do some extensive research to determine the type of education that suits their particular style of learning. Some colleges rely heavily on textbook and lectures for preliminary education, while others place little credence in textbook study and rely mainly on hands-on experience with dissection of organs and tissue and discussion sessions from the outset.

Doctoral programs are offered around the United States and Canada in psychology, education, law, languages, philosophy, business, history, anthropology, physical sciences, medicine, veterinary sciences, and numerous other fields of study. Students entering into doctorate programs must be clear about their goals and abilities. Undergraduate and graduate experiences can help the student to evaluate his or her interests, aptitudes, and capacity for the rigors of the doctorate program prior to application or preparation for a particular field or occupation.

Some doctorate programs and doctoral degrees are made possible by online schools. The time that it takes to accomplish degree goals can possibly be shortened students who choose this route and concentrate their efforts on study; however, online courses at the doctorate level very often require some hands-on experience, as well as testing and evaluation which cannot be accomplished online.

If you would like to learn more about Doctorate Programs [] and Online Doctorate Programs, you can find more in-depth information and resources on our website.

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Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Visit our Traditional School Directory and find Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools, and Online Schools at, your educational resource to locate schools.

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