Monday, July 11, 2011

Are Doctors Now-A-Days That Efficient?

What do people now-a-days expect from our doctors? Sure they used to be considered equivalent to God in previous decades, but NOW?

People do have belief in God that He will cure all their diseases and solve their problems, but there are also theists who do refer to a doctor for their problems, as they believe that a Doctor is a "messiah" send by Him in order to heal the sick. Irrespective of whether the doctor was able to cure the diseased or not, they used to get that respect for having the knowledge of the disease and trying their best to help them cure it. If the person gets cured and survives, then the doctors hold the highest respect among those people; but if the 'patient' doesn't make through, then, well its the will of God and nothing can be done to avoid death.

But is that the feeling of the common man today? Today, most of the doctors are considered equivalent to business-man. Not that a business-man is bad, but hey, everyone has their own profession, and a doctor's is to help the sick, and strive to keep people healthy. But how many doctors are doing that today? Now don't misunderstand me. There are many doctors who are faithfully doing their duties. But what about the many more others?

A person is worried to go to a doctor now-a-days because they fear they will come back with their pockets empty. They are subjected to a wide range of tests and investigations, not sure whether they actually need them or not, and if they do, they fear that their problem maybe something that may need a whole lot of medicines or that they might not live through it.

We blame people that they are too superstitious as to go a local tantric for their problems, but hey, if the health field and medical techniques are so intimidating to them, then what choice do we leave for them?

You might have heard the common phrase about some famous doctor who tells and cures all the problems of a person by "just checking their pulse". Its no surprise that these doctors are considered the greatest. But there aren't by far any such praises about our modern or contemporary doctors, are they? Does that mean that the doctors today are not efficient?, that they are not good doctors?

If u ask a human doctor to cure an animal, lets say a dog, what would he do? Do you think he would be able to help it just the same way as he can a human? Maybe he would have a vague idea of the condition, but he would need further knowledge to correctly diagnose it, right? Now, though this comparison might not be up-to-the-level, but today's doctors are similar. They do not have the knowledge of 'feeling the pulse' that the pioneers used to have. Not just in India, where alternative methods are wide spread, but also in western countries, this knowledge is not properly imparted upon the medicos.

Students are asked to know their medical books 'by-heart', so that they are able to deal with any existing 'case' that they might encounter. A patient is nothing but a 'CASE' to a medico and to the teachers giving the training. Its only when we cross that barrier of so called 'practicality', is when we are truly able to understand a person's problems and not just refer to him/her as a 'case'.

Doctors are not an invention of the modern world. Even before the advent of modern medicines and technology, there used to be people who treated the sick. These were known as the 'Healers'. Now I know the thought that just popped into your mind. You are thinking of the traditional healers and the 'tantrics' that I had just mentioned above. But that is far from what I am referring to right now.

I am talking about the people who, as you call it, could 'feel the pulse'. Confused? Pulse, in this statement, is not literally what you know as today, i.e., the pulsations of the blood pumped by heart. It means, along with it, something more. It means Energy. Yup, that's right. I did say Energy.

The pioneer doctors, or 'Healers' used to feel the pulsations of the energy that flow, in not only all the humans but also in animals, plants, and all beings. Acupressure, a modern medicine ( though its not actually new), is based on this concept. The acupressure therapist "feels" the energy flow through the body, and tries to make out any blockade in the flow. The wrist is used as the site for this purpose, as the energy 'lines' from whole body converge at these extremities (also at the legs), and is easier for him to acknowledge the energy flow. Any blockade felt in the energy flow at specific points indicates a 'problem' in that specific region or organ. This method also helps in determining 'emotional blockade'. This was one of the methods known to the healers and how they used to know the problem associated with the person. But do the modern doctors know anything about it? Nope! Any such suggestion would only get you a head-to-toe 'look' and make you a laughing stock. Why? Simple- they don't believe any such thing exists.

The modern doctors are trained to be so 'practical' so as not to believe anything they cant 'see' or feel. The diagnosis is made, along with the observable signs and symptoms, by tests and investigations. Now don't get me wrong. Being a medico, I know the importance of all these tests and methods. They are very valuable in making out, sometimes, the precise diagnosis. These tests are mandatory, especially if you have to use the innumerable drugs that have been specified for different 'cases'. But being a human, don't you think a much deeper knowledge should be instilled into the minds of a medico/doctor for proper understanding of a fellow human? I mean the energy of the life form has come to existence way before the invention of these 'diagnostic gadgets'. It was how, not only our human race, but all other beings have been surviving, and still are!

Don't you think it is an insult to the superior beings of humans and Life itself to confine their existence to mere instruments? As much as they do play an important role, it is just as important for doctors to know the importance of life force and energy. And believe me, its not a traditional hokey-pokey method. How would you feel if you had to put your life in the hands of a person who does not even understand the simple flow of energy of our body which is the sole reason for our existence?!

Today's doctors cannot be completely blamed for their ignorance of that fact, because they haven't been taught about it since the beginning. It was inculcated into their minds, probably since their childhood, that no such thing exists. But I am sure each and every person on the earth has, at some point in their life, felt it. They know that there exists something in their bodies, that is the cause of their existence, but cant exactly put their finger on it. But there are also many people who understand and know the importance of this energy in daily lives, as well as their necessity in understanding the root cause of our problems.

The reason I said 'root', is because that's what exactly it does. Understanding of the blockade of energy flow of our body helps us to determine the root cause of why we are suffering from any 'problem'. This is where our traditional and modern medicine has its differences. Modern medicine, more so than the root cause, concentrates on the superficial problem. So many 'medicines' that have emerged, treat only the superficial cause. Even the doctors know this, as they never claim to have 'Healed' a disease, but to have merely 'cured' it. Healing is not only curing of the physical problem, but it also takes care of the emotional, spiritual and general well-being of the individual. Of course, even the modern medical field has understood this, as the proper definition of health is given by them, as "not only physical, but also the emotional and social well-being of a person, and not merely the absence of disease."

Now to attain this state, do you think that merely the drugs and instruments are sufficient. I am sure no one is so naive as to believe that, right? It requires the balancing of our energies and correcting its flow, so that not only are we physically healthy, but are also able to carry out our social responsibilities and be happy. Now, isn't that what everyone wants ultimately? To be Happy? Though it may not be exactly a doctors duty to see that you "happy" in life, it is however their responsibility to see that the person's happiness is not hindered by their physical ailments.

A doctor may not be able to give full satisfaction to a 'patient' in all cases, but a knowledge of determining his/her energies will enable the doctor to communicate better with him, give a better diagnosis, and also give a better treatment. It is only when a doctor ceases to see a patient as a case, and sees him as a fellow human being who is connected to him through the universal flow of energy, is only when he/she will be able to better connect with their 'patients', understand them better, acknowledge better their problems and subsequently, give better treatment.

As a medico, I genuinely feel, that along with the knowledge now bestowed upon the medical students, which is assuredly very important and meaningful, at least a concise version of the knowledge of energy flow of our human bodies should be imparted upon them. Even the existing doctors can get hold of this knowledge which is surely to help them practice better. Some of the so called 'traditional methods' have come to existence and are still surviving, as they do contain some significant truth, and should be given due importance. I greatly feel this, because it is the certified doctors that are given importance and respect in the society more so than these 'Healers'. So when the doctors themselves are baffled about some of the mysteries of human body and the 'incurable' diseases, it is no harm in adopting some of the, though not yet understandable, but indubitable knowledge from them (healers), and serving the mankind in a way that they are presumed and revered for.


Gayathri NavyaKrithy Pendiala

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